It’s Saturday! I love my Saturdays. I usually get in a little extra sleep in the morning or I take an afternoon nap. I remember when my boys were younger, my Saturday’s were chaos. Now that they are older I find them much more peaceful, usually. Dan is working and the boys are each doing their own things.
My scripture for the day is: Teach me to do Your will for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness. Psalm143:10 (NKJ)
Recently, I have begun each of my days asking for God to teach me to do His will in my life. I mean really asking Him. So, God has really been dealing with me on my excessive spending on things that I don’t need. I am a sucker for a sale, a cute journal or office supplies. It’s sick I know. I love the thought of being organized, but can’t quite get there. Anyway, Tuesday I realized my Franklin Covey planner is out of pages the end of September, so I decided I needed to get new pages and it had to be that day. So, at my lunch hour I drove to my local office supply store to scope out the refills for my planner. But wouldn’t you know that they had some new leather planners in stock and I fell absolutely in love with a couple of them. I stood looking at both trying to figure out which one I was going to buy and that still small voice kept telling me that I didn’t need it. Of course I didn’t need it, but I wanted it. It was really nice and I would look really organized when I went to meetings at work. I hadn’t even looked at the refills yet for my planner, I was stuck on the leather binders. Suddenly the voice got louder, “You don’t NEED that binder, the one you have is in great shape and is functional”. It took me back a bit, and then I realized I have asked for God to help me do His will with my finances and not mine. I quickly put down both of the very nice binders and began scoping out the fillers. And wouldn’t you know they didn’t have any that start in October 2007? So, I thought I could get the undated refills and buy the 2008 fillers as the year became closer. But, one of the binders I wanted, already had undated refills and it was only $40.00 more. Hmmm. I picked up the nice leather binder again and started to walk off, when once again I heard that voice, ‘YOU DON’T NEED THAT BINDER’. I realized then it was about obedience. I put the binder down, told myself if I still wanted that binder in a couple of months I would put it on my Christmas list, grabbed the undated refills and moved quickly to the checkout counter. I felt such a sense of accomplishment that I didn’t give into my want. I also knew that the voice in my head was God and He was leading me to do His will and not mine. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we have a God that really wants to lead us to uprightness, even when we don’t necessarily want to go there? I don’t have a new leather binder this morning but I am okay with it because I still have that $40.00 in my bank account. I consider that a savings, don’t you?
Seek God’s will ladies, He wants to show us a better way.