Tuesday, March 25, 2008


For the last few months I have felt that God has been calling me to silence.  Now, I certainly wasn’t sure what that meant.  As I would lift my hands in worship at church, I would feel the Holy Spirit calling me to be quiet.  Almost as if He was putting his hands over my mouth to hush me.  Yet my mind just kept going.  Questioning, why do I need to be quiet?  What am I suppose to hear?  Even though my mouth was quiet my mind wasn’t.  I also have been drawn to the book of 1 Samuel and have been reading it to find out what I am suppose to hear.  But to no avail, I wasn’t getting it.  Yet, my heart was drawn.  This has gone on for several months.  In conversation with Dan, I began to describe that I felt God has been calling me to be quiet and I didn’t know how and for what reason.  Then I began to explain how the Spirit keeps leading me to the book of Samuel.  As we began talking about the events that unfold in Samual’s life in the first few chapters, it was as if God Himself spoke to me, right in the middle of Denny’s.  Dan and I began to discuss where God was calling to Samuel and Samual kept saying, “Here I am” and would run to Eli.  Finally Eli told Samuel the next time he hears his name called to say, “speak Lord, for Your servant hears.”  I have pondered this over and I believe God wants me to sit at His feet and just listen.  All too often, we have to keep noise in our lives.  It gives us comfort, it makes us feel not so alone.  Satan loves to distract us with busyness and noise.  Yet, God wants us just us to sit and listen to Him.  Oh, how awesome that sounds.  I would love to sit at Jesus’ feet like Mary did and listen to His instruction.  The last couple of Saturdays have allowed me to do that.  After my praise dancing, (yes, I am alone) I just sit.  It hasn’t been easy to sit quietly, but I know that if I am diligent in seeking to hear Him, God will meet me there.  I believe we should all seek that quiet time and listen for the voice of our Lord.  Can you hear Him?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Time

Happy Easter!  Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He died upon the cross and rose again that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  This is the time of year that we begin to come out of our 'winter mentality' and begin to hope for a new beginning.  As you celebrate this Easter with your family, it is my prayer that God will bless you and your family and give you a thirst for a new beginning in Christ.  Enjoy this wonderful day, and try not to over eat on that chocolate.