Sunday, April 13, 2008


What an amazing weekend we had.  17 women drove down to San Diego to hear Beth Moore. Travis Cotrell and his worship team were incredible.  He is absolutely anointed by God.  We arrived late due to traffic, but believe me when we walked into the arena we immediately felt the presence of God.  Not only did Beth stir our hearts and renew our spirits, she gave us laughter.  When she had us open our bibles to Psalm 139, I just about giggled with delight.  I have been drawn to this chapter for several months and was just excited to know that God was going to give me a special treat.  And He did.  Beth's teaching is so anointed.  Her topic was "Known".  I am still just chewing on the words she gave.  I am so happy that we were able to be a part of this meeting.  I hear in the wind that several now want to go to the Las Vegas conference.  Sounds like we may have another road trip ahead.  Who is onboard?

Don't forget to check out the pictures.  The link is found on the right side of this page.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Today was inevitable.  I knew it was coming but I thought I had more time.  It happens every year around this time and it isn't taxes.  Today was the day my toes were exposed and believe me when I tell you, they were not ready.  I hadn't had a pedicure for several months, I let them go in the winter.  Tina dropped me an email yesterday and we set up time to have our toes done on Thursday.  So, I was out last night and decided to buy my first pair of sandals this summer.  They really are cute!  Anyway, I wanted to wear them today.  I put them on, and trotted off to work.  I started getting compliments on the shoes, and that is when it hit me that I wasn't ready to expose the toes yet.  Understand the shoes are cute, but my toes need to be de-winterized.  Now I'm self-conscience and don't want anyone to see my shoes because of my toes.  Also, they started off comfortable this morning but as the day goes on my feet are starting to hurt.  Straps are hitting places on my feet that are foreign, and now, not only am I self-conscience, I am also in pain.  All I want to do now is kick off these shoes.  Have you been there before?  I've been here on my Christian walk as well.  I've stepped out in my faith, not expecting my failures to be exposed but one by one, as people began to take notice that I am a Christian the more self-conscience I became.  I felt they were not looking at Christ in my life, but at my failures.  My failures were taking away from Christ.  The more consumed I became of my failures, the more painful my trials became.  I would want to run away and hide.  Not let anyone know I was a christian that way it didn't matter if I failed.  But, instead I remained, I stood still and let Christ show who He was in me.  Yes, I was a failure and I was all the things the enemy throws up in my past.  But today, I am a daughter of the King.  Do I still make mistakes and fail?  You better believe it, but I don't dwell in it because I know in the end the pain will be worth it all and Christ will be victorious.  Now for these shoes.  Will I kick them off?  No, I will wear them with my winter toes, pain and all.  I know my feet will get use to them and tomorrow my toes will look better.  If you see me at church tonight, look at the sandals but leave the toes alone.  Be encouraged ladies and don't be afraid of exposure, thats when Christ can truly shine.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I love the times that I am in prayer and God gives me a nugget that knocks me in the head and makes me look at things completely different.  That happened this week.  I was in prayer asking for God to increase my faith.  As I was praying, I said, "God my mind was created to be doubtful" when I came to a complete stop.  The Holy Spirit spoke directly into my MIND.  He said my mind was CREATED TO BELIEVE!  Yes, I will accept that word.  The scripture in Romans 12:2 stays, 
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is --His good, pleasing and perfect will."  You see when we conform to the pattern of the world, we become skeptical and doubtful.  We can only believe in ourselves.  But when we are transformed by the power of the blood of Jesus we are to renew our mind.  It is then that we will be able to test and approve God's will in our lives.  Renew my mind Lord!  Renew the mind of my sisters!  Renew the minds of Your church!  We want to believe!!  We want Your good, pleasing and perfect will!!