I’m often humored at the things God will do in my life, just because. Yesterday afternoon I was having an average day, following a typical busy schedule and not really thinking a whole lot about me...... then I saw something that hit me in the eyes.......
I was pulling back into the parking lot at work after lunch. The one thing I consistently ask God for is a close spot to the door. I usually carry a very heavy briefcase, so I do not want to park in the North 40 and carry that bag. Some days God sees fit to give me a close spot and others He allows me to walk. I’ve asked Him a few times for consistency in the close spot, but up to that point He had not granted me my request. Anyway, yesterday I was granted a close spot, one isle from the door. As I was turning off my car, I looked up to see a sign marking a parking spot within 15 feet from the door. The sign simply read, “Reserved, Executive Assistant.” The first words from my mouth was, “Really?” and then I finished it with, “are you kidding me?”.
This year our corporate office announced that the management teams would not get raises in 2009, (the specifics behind it are not crucial, so I will leave those out). I made peace with that decision thinking I was just thankful I had a job in this economy. However, as I was getting out of my car yesterday, after seeing the “reserved” sign, all I could think of was, “so I don’t get a raise, can I have a stinking parking spot?”. I didn’t think much more of it as I walked past the space into the office building.
This morning, as I was getting ready for work that sign flashed into my mind. I shook my head and thought again, “Really?” the Admin has a parking space close to the door and I don’t? I know, your thinking, “its just a parking spot”. Well, to me it was the principal of the matter. I did have a close spot a couple of years ago, then it was taken away to add more visitor parking. The Holy Spirit put me into check quickly to not be envious. Truth be told I wasn’t envious, but just wanted a close parking spot. I decided not to dwell on it any longer and continued about my day.
As I arrived at work this morning, I found a close spot and it immediately put a smile on my face. I whispered a quick “thank you” and continued to my desk. I wasn’t there more than 10 minutes when my director called me. She asked me to stop by her office when I got a chance. She wanted to give me a parking pass so I could park up front. Seriously my first word was, “Really?”. I was surprised. It still makes me giggle when I think about it. I can just see God watching me yesterday. He saw my eyes move over the sign, heard my words of sarcasm, searched my heart for my reaction and said, “Would someone give that girl a close parking space please?”
My mind goes to Jesus’ teaching about “asking” in Matthew 7:7-11. Here Jesus basically says, “Ask and you shall receive” but I like verses 9 - 11, “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him”. I had been asking and looking for my close spot daily. Today I got that close spot and then God also let me know that tomorrow I have a close spot, and the next day, and the next.
This may seem small and somewhat trivial, but I just wanted to illustrate how sometimes God chooses to bless us even in the small things. As a parent, I look for ways to bless my children and beam with happiness when they are are pleased. So, I can only imagine that God, with His great love, wants to bless His children even more. Just image how delighted God must be to give us those small things, and there is no budget that limits Him. We only look for the big blessings, but God gives us small blessings daily if we look for them. When we recognize His hand in the ordinary and give Him the thanks, it just makes Him want to give more.
Father in heaven, how I love You. Many times in my busyness, I don’t see the things you lay before me as gifts. Often times I shake them off as coincidences, when you are there the whole time waiting for me to acknowledge You. Your word says, “You have examined my heart and know everything about me.You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!” Thank you for your hand of blessing upon my head and for always working in my favor and for my good. Keep my feet on the right path, Lord, that leads directly to you. Amen.