Monday morning I was greeted early at work by Lind, a beautiful lady friend of mine that speaks faithfully into my life. She had a huge smile on her face and said, "How great is our God?" to which I replied, "pretty great." She continued to smile as she described a call she received over the weekend.....
Lisa (a dear friend of Linds and a former teacher of one of my boys), her husband and children are missionaries to Thailand. Well, last August Lisa and her children were in a serious car accident that left Lisa with a critical brain injury. The doctors told them that 90% of patients with this type of injury usually die shortly after the accident and the other 10% that live do so in a vegetative state. The family was really not given any hope and Lisa was in a coma.
Lind set up weekly prayer meetings specifically to pray for Lisa, and refused to believe that Lisa would be the 90% or the 10%. After a couple of months Lisa opened her eyes but she was still lost in her own world. Lind and her prayer group continued to pray for little miracles along the way. Many friends and family members stalked the website for updates. The call Lind received last Saturday was from Lisa herself. Not only had she awaken completely from her coma of 3 months, but she was talking with a strong voice and giving Lind words of instruction from the Lord. Lind was still celebrating that call on Monday.
The doctors gave no hope, but I believe this happened so that God's power can be seen in Lisa. Just think, she is in Thailand, a country that is primarily a Buddhist nation and only 2% of the population are believed to be Christian. How many lives will see God's power in Lisa? I think the number to be unmeasurable. The doctors are calling Lisa "A Miracle Girl".
"This happened so the power of God could be seen in him"? Do you really get it? The blind man in John 9 was blind so God's power could be seen in him. The trials you and I go through are so God's power can be seen in us. The illnesses we suffer and so God's power can be seen in us. For too long we have sat back and accepted the trials, illnesses and adversities as a part of the suffering we must endure. God wants to show His POWER in US!!! We need to pray that God's power will be shown in all our circumstances.
I asked Lind how she was able to keep praying so faithfully when the doctors gave no hope. She simply replied, "I refused to listen to any negative talk nor was I willing to accept anything less than what God's word told me. I knew I needed to pray for that miracle recovery until God answered or said otherwise". Wow!!
What have you given up on because you didn't get your answer right away, or you thought there was no hope of a miracle? Let's take God at His word and believe it to be true.
God, let us see your power in our circumstances. Reign down on us. Your word says that you forgive our sins and heal us of our diseases. You heal the brokenhearted and bandage our wounds. Lord help our unbelief and show us your mighty power. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen