Hi Ladies! Please join us for One in a Million, a Bible study that will challenge you to conquer your wilderness living and teach you what it means to live free in Jesus Christ. This new 7-week study from Priscilla Shirer is a one-in-a-million opportunity to fully engage in the abundant inheritance God has waiting for those who are willing to follow Him into the promised land. Be prepared to dig into God's Word and gain prayer support from the women who will be walking beside you in this journey. We hope you have a great time of Bible study and fellowship in the weeks to come!
You can sign up in the church lobby or drop us an email at CWCWomensMinistry@gmail.com
Where: Calvary Worship Center
When: Begins Monday, February 15 through Monday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Cost: $20 for materials