I know it looks strange, but Joey was watching television the other day and made a statement that had me thinking all week. A commercial for an Met Life came on and Joey said he had a better advertising campaign for them. They should rename it to Met Lyfe (spelled ‘Lyfe’ on purpose) and the slogan should be, “taking the ‘if’ our of life” or “take the ‘if’ out of life, when you are in our hands”. I agreed that it sounded pretty good, however I continued to ponder it over and over and decided it was quite profound.
So often we take out insurance for auto, life, health, dental, accidental death, house, flood, pet, never believing we will need it, but just in case, we want to have it. We have the insurance that if something does happen, we will be covered. We feel safe that our loved ones or loved things will be covered ‘if’ something happens and we don’t’ have to worry about our ‘ifs’. What ‘if’ I have a car accident and my car get’s totaled? I have auto insurance, they will cover it. What if I get sick and need to see a specialist? I have heath insurance, they will cover it. What if my house catches fire? My homeowners policy will take care of it.
Depending where you live, you may not be able to buy some types of insurance policies because of the strong possibility of an occurrence. One example might be living close to a river that floods each year. Most carriers will not cover you under a flood policy. (Personally, if I could not get flood insurance and I lived next to a river, I don’t think I would want to live there. But that’s just me.) Another example is if you have a terminal illness, it is not likely that you will find a life insurance policy to insure you. If you have had multiple car accidents and tickets, you will have a hard time finding someone to insure you. No longer will you have the peace of mind that all will be well.
I know we can never get rid of our ‘ifs’, but I do know the ultimate insurer that offers a plan and no one will be turned down if they apply. I will have complete coverage on earth and after death. Not only does this plan give me peace of mind on earth, but it will give my loved ones peace of mind after my death. It secures me a place where I can retire. Where I will no longer know pain. A place where no sin will live and death will not enter. No sickness, no accidents, no floods. It is the ‘Salvation Plan’. It is the only true Lyfe Plan. Are you insured?
Revelation 22:12: Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.
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