Today is my anniversary. I have spent the last eight years married to James, my love and my partner. I am so blessed to have him in my life. James makes me feel loved. When James proposed, he said he couldn’t promise me extravagant things or money, but he could promise me that I would have all of his love. When I look back, I know that he has kept that promise to me, not because of compromise, but because of sacrifice. He has always made me feel as though my happiness was more important than his own.
The book of First Corinthians, chapter 13 says that love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t prideful. Love doesn’t seek for its own good. Love doesn’t keep score. Paul is telling us in a nutshell that love is all about sacrifice. It’s all about giving yourself to another.
Christ was the ultimate model of love. He sought His Father’s will, not his own. As Jesus prayed in the garden, he prayed if it was possible, that the cup pass from him, but above all that God’s will would be done (Matthew 26:39). Jesus was facing death. Jesus was facing anguish and pain, but Jesus refused to compromise. He would lay down His life in obedience to God. He gave His life to show love. Jesus chose sacrifice. Jesus chose God’s way, without compromise.
Romans 5:8 says that God showed his love toward us by Christ’s death, even when we were still sinners. God’s love was is not conditional on our behavior. God loves us and has proven His love by Christ’s death, even when we were still living in our sin. We didn’t have to turn from our sin and turn to Christ before Christ would give His life. The sacrifice was made, regardless of our choice.
Loving those around us is the second great commandment. The first is to love God wholeheartedly. We show our love to God by keeping His commands (John 14:15). I encourage you to look at love through God’s eyes. I encourage you to look at your relationships, whether friendships or marriages, and discover the ways that you can sacrifice yourself to that person to show love. Who needs to feel love in your life? Who needs your time? Who needs your service? What can you give to show your love?
When I took my vows to my husband eight years ago, my vows were not dependent on James keeping his vows. My vows said that I would give myself to James, I would serve him no matter what life sent our way. Nothing says love like sacrifice and as I searched for the perfect gift to give James for our anniversary, I realized that I was the perfect gift. Giving of myself to him, considering him first, speaks volumes more than my words and material gifts could ever say. It’s a costly gift because it means putting my wants and desires aside to serve the one I married. It means there will be times that in exhaustion, I will serve. In times of hurt, I will serve. In times of happiness, I will serve. Yes, it’s a costly gift, but it is my calling as a woman of God. In serving James, I honor God.
God, you have called us to love. You have loved us so perfectly. You have given us your Son, a sacrifice, to prove and model Your love for us. Show us how to love your way. Show us how to give ourselves to You and to our loved ones. Open our eyes to their needs and their desires. Give us the energy and desire to meet those needs. Show us how to serve others with our lives and give our service to others as an offering to not only them, but to You. God, help us to love our friends and our spouses, even when we don’t feel loved by them. Give us Your perfect love for others, especially when we find them difficult to love. God we love You. God we want to serve You. God we thank You. In the precious name of Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, we pray. Amen.
"Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." 2 Corinthians 9:15

Oh that was a beautiful blog...what a great reminder of love being a sacrifice especially with VDay approaching, and what a great reminder in general, thanks for the prayer too, I felt it was for me as well and I agree whole heartedly, God Bless you guys on your anniversary, You look so adorable on your wedding day! Both of you :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures showing new love. Beautiful words showing committed love. Thanks for sharing and reminding me to love unselfishly.
ReplyDeleteCarissa, Thank You for sharing that blog! March 31st my husband and I will be celebrating our 8th year anniversary, and your blog really touched me! Thank You!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. That is true Agape love- love that is undeserved and unrewarded. And the only way we can really experience this love is by being loved that way first by Jesus- We love because He first loved us.
ReplyDeleteI can only pray that I find the happiness that you and James enjoy together. Thank you for being a strong example of marriage in our church.