For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son... that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have life everlasting. John 3:16
January began with a punch in the gut this year. No other words could describe the way Dan and I felt when we received some news from someone very near and dear to us. We quickly reached out to our prayer partners and asked them to lift us up in prayer. We didn’t know what roads may lay ahead but we knew we needed peace in just walking. The wonderful thing about our prayer partners is, they didn’t ask questions, they just began to pray and encourage us. Not one of them needed details, they just knew we needed their prayers. We specifically asked for peace, wisdom, strength, truth, love, compassion, protection, and restoration.
Dan and I did very little for 3 straight days other than pray, and search scripture. Our prayers were angry, sorrowful, hurt, and at times silent.
On the third day, I began to question God how this person could make a choice like this that would affect their entire life. How could they go down the road of sorrow that was inevitable. My physical body was wiped out and I couldn’t even cry anymore. As I sat silent, I began to think of God giving Jesus over to a life of pain, suffering and ultimately a horrible death. I couldn’t understand how a loving father could do that. How could he choose to allow his son to walk that path? I got up from my knees and finished my day and continued to ask God, how?
The next morning I awoke to this text message from my dear sister, Tina. She had no idea of the questions I had been asking the day before.
Karen, The Holy Spirit has been ministering to me all night (I love how He does that) through dreams, thoughts, words from our Pastors sermon tonight, etc.... but He just woke me up with a vision so vivid that I don’t even know that I can share it, but I want to try. The scripture He brought to mind are Ephesians 3:18-19 and Romans 5:8; but, the vision is of Christ hanging on the cross, sword piercing His side and blood flowing so profoundly that it’s covering brings to mind the phrase “a multitude of sins”. The word, the feeling, I really don’t know what you call it, is that God’s love is so great He has covered “this person”, the sin, the entire situation with His Son’s blood. We can’t even comprehend the magnitude of that love. I don’t feel that I am articulating this very well, but Karen, know this, the feeling I’m feeling is so overwhelming in that Christ has this covered with His own blood because of the greatness of His Father’s Love.
After reading that text, all I could do was sit in awe. God answered my question, “How could he choose to allow his son to walk the path of suffering”. He chose it because his love for “this person” is so great. His love for all of was so great that he would allow his son to die for us. For the first time, I realized that Jesus suffered, and so did our Father God.
We are still in the middle of this battle, but really knowing the magnitude of God’s love has given me a new resolve. I am resolved that God is fighting this battle for us and that I need to just trust Him to take care of it. At times I will take deep breaths and almost take on the worry, but then God gently reminds me that He has this covered.
Thank you God for your love! The magnitude of it is far greater than I can even imagine. What peace I have knowing that your love covers all my sins, all my failures, and all my worries. Let those around me feel your love. Open their eyes and their hearts so that they too may enjoy your never-ending, faithful love. Amen
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